A look behind the scenes

A few weeks ago we travelled to Portugal to discuss collections and other details. Quite spontaneously we also took a look behind the scenes and took a tour of the factory.

Even though not every piece is made and turned by hand, a lot of passion still goes into every single step of the processing of our beautiful ceramic pieces.

After the first pouring process, our Ddoria & Eelina cups still look very unfinished. All protruding residues are removed by hand, smoothed and washed before they go into the kiln to be fired. In the last step, the cups are dipped in paint by hand, one by one.

In a production like this, it is inevitable that parts will break or that clay remains. But here everything is reused!

We had a really interesting and educational day in our factory and can now understand even better how much work and different steps go into such a production.

Now we are really excited to see what the new line will look like overall and look forward to sharing it with you very soon! So: Stay tuned! :)

Anna Steiner