
For the countries of Germany and the countries listed below under the name EUROPE (Other countries) we offer free shipping for orders over €100.00.
We ship to the specified countries with DHL and also to other countries upon request. Please contact us - We will be happy to help you with any other questions you may have about shipping.
AUSTRIA €19.49
NORWAY €29.99
EUROPE (Other countries) ** €19.49
Worldwide (Other countries) * €145.99
Australia, Canada, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, New Zealand, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, United States, China, Saudi Arabia
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Import into third countries
When shipping to other non-EU countries, the recipient may incur customs fees. Please find out more about this from the responsible customs authority. Additional customs fees are not included in our shipping costs.
Please note that customs fees are charged per package and not per order. We strive to pack the packages as efficiently as possible. However, due to the weight restrictions per package, larger orders must be divided into several packages.


You can return unused goods to us within 30 days and request an exchange or refund.
Return order

Please note the following points:

- Please fill out the return form carefully and include it in the package. It also counts as your legal revocation.

- Pack the items well to avoid damage in transit. The goods should not show any signs of wear.

- Do not send the package freight forwarded! If goods are returned freight forwarded, DHL will offset the applicable fee against the credit for the return.

- The buyer bears the costs for return shipping.

International returns
Please send with a shipping service provider of your choice and provide sufficient franking on the package.

The return address is:

EDDA Stoneware
Anna & Bernhard Steiner
Weidachstrasse 4
D - 87538 Obermaiselstein

The refund will usually be made within 14 working days of the arrival of your return package using the payment method you chose to pay for the order. If the payment method “advance payment” was chosen, we will need your IBAN.
You can find further information about the legal regulations in our cancellation policy. If you have any further questions about returns, please contact us.