Buyer protection
You can buy safely from EDDA stoneware.
When you shop online, you have no personal contact with the seller and cannot touch or try out the product. So that you can still order without worry, the Trusted Shops seal of approval shows you which online shop has earned your trust and offers excellent service.
All requirements for awarding the seal of quality can be found in the quality criteria.
After your purchase, you can register for the free Trusted Shops Basic membership, including buyer protection up to €100 for the current purchase as well as for your further purchases in German and Austrian shops with the Trusted Shops seal of approval.
With Trusted Shops PLUS (incl. guarantee), your purchases are even covered up to €20,000 each by buyer protection (incl. guarantee), for €9.90 per year including VAT with a minimum contract term of 1 year. The buyer protection coverage period per purchase is 30 days in both cases.